Did you always want to be a writer?

Actually, I always wanted to be a teacher (and I became one!). But I did love writing in my growing up years. I filled up notebooks with my stories and poems. I wrote letters to my friends and family. I made up funny song lyrics with my brother while he played his guitar. In high school, I had fun writing and illustrating a children’s picture book called THE MESSY LITTLE MONSTER. I thought maybe I’d share it with my students once I was a teacher, but I later realized it wasn’t that good!

Then how did you become an author?

First, I became a mom. I started reading all kinds of great kids’ books with my sons, and a little later, I started writing a blog. Blogging gave me lots of writing practice, and reading all those books helped me learn what great writing for kids looks like. Eventually I realized that I really wanted to write kids’ books myself. And now I do!

Where do you get your ideas?

Usually book ideas come to me when I’m not even trying to think of one. I’ll be eating breakfast or walking or trying to sleep at night and poof! — IDEA! But it isn’t magic. My ideas are sparked by all of the fascinating things I’ve ever seen, heard, and wondered about. The idea for IN THE DARK came to me because I’d seen (and been amazed by) the aurora borealis, heard parts of an interesting CBC documentary about sleep, and wondered how cats could see in the dark. When I get an idea, I scribble it down in a notebook so I don’t forget it, and I come back later to develop it.

Why do you like writing nonfiction?

I love the research part. I get to discover so many amazing/funny/exciting/weird facts when I’m looking for details to include in my books. And sharing all of this information with curious readers makes me happy — it’s kind of like teaching, in a way.

What are you writing now?

I’m currently playing with a few different ideas that I hope to turn into books. Stay tuned!

What’s it like to have a Little Free Library on your front lawn?

It’s a lot of fun. I Iove when people visit it and find books they want to take home (and it’s great when people drop off books they want to share with others, too). I’ve met a lot of really nice neighbours because of the little library. Sharing books gets people reading and talking!

Want to visit a Little Free Library near you? You can search this map to find one.

Do you have any pets?

Oh yes! I have two cats: a black one named Poppy and a gray tabby named Iris. I’d like to say that they’re good company while I’m writing, but here’s the truth: they throw my pencils on the ground, stomp all over my keyboard, and fall asleep on top of my research notes. I love them anyway.

What you do you like to do when you’re not writing?

I like to spend time with my family, read, bake yummy things, walk, do puzzles, grow things in my garden, and just hang out in nature. Sometimes I like to sit quietly and think about things. (Other times I tap dance in my kitchen. True story!)